Sunday, November 05, 2006

Real footy weather

As you may deduce from the photo taken from my window a few minutes ago it is a little snowy in Ankara and thus I'd advise everyone coming to the match later today to wear appropriate clothing (in fact just put on everything you own) . To think it was only 10 weeks ago or so that we were wearing shorts to the football. They say that rain is a leveller in football. What do they say about snow?


  1. Agreed. Rain certainly is a leveller.

    I watched the 2nd half of the Rize v Galata...spit...saray match yesterday. The rain was teaming down and the ball kept getting stuck in the puddles.

    Passing was a lottery and all credit to both teams for doing their utmost to play footie.

    By the way, Rize won 2-1 ..titter titter titter !!!

    As for playing on snow .... definitely a postponement necessary.

  2. Anonymous1:30 pm

    Yes, winter has started in Mersin, too. Last week minor flooding occured and yesterday the real cold weather began with a maximum temperature of only 15 degrees!

  3. Joe, you should pack your bags and head for Turkey's First City, ANKARA.

    The sun is shining today, and not just on ANKARAGUCU supporters !!!

  4. Anonymous1:52 pm

    Jim amca,

    You love rubbing the derby result into Oz, don't you?

  5. Well..... yessssss.... Eski Kanka is a cruel bassa as most people know only too well !!!

    Let me enjoy my moment of glory because it doesn't happen too often !!

  6. Anonymous12:53 pm

    Hehehehehehe we still don't have snow and it is not that cold as in Ankara. :-) :-) :-)

    Love ya- and thinking of ya-
    Zagreb Kankie
