After the sad departure of Connect and Phillie Kankas, happy days are here again.
Kaleci Kanka Tansu and his wife have brought two more kankas into the world. I had a chat with Ruzgar Kanka last night when he was sitting on my lap and he has agreed to become an Ankaragucu kanka ........
this despite the efforts of Oz Kanka, Mini Oz Kanka and Spine last week to try and encourage him to support Genclerbirligi !! ........

Brat Kankie Laura was in on the act too ..........

We are not sure about Ruzgar's sister, Nehir, but are confident that she too will follow in her brother's footsteps and support Ankaragucu !!! I will be speaking to her soon !
On behalf of all the kankas, congratulations to Tansu and Zeynep on the birth of their two beautiful babies.
All the best from Eski Kanka Jim
congradulations tansu from me and rebecca, we will need to come see them in october when we come over.
ReplyDeleteWe wish them all the best in life.
Good news all around as Ankaragucu beat Sivaspor 3-0 last night, 2 goals from Metin and one from Hurryiet gave us a good win.
I might be dreaming but ive just read were in talks with Holosko and Matias Delgado from Beiktas ????? Please let them come to ankara