Sir Eski Kanka sent me this photo the other day and being the internet luddite that he is he couldn't figure out how to post it on the blog. So it falls to me to explain...
This blog hasn't always been all that kind to those whom in Australia we refer to in polite conversation as the "boys in blue".
We have told the story of overzealous coppers a number of times, for example here, and even poked fun at them, for example here, but I was blown away that our offical Scottish football reporter Hibbie Kanka was actually a cop.
Anyway, Sir Eski Kanka met Hibbie Kanka out in Saudi Arabia where the two of them were working in various military type things helping to protect Saudi Arabian democracy.
Obviously, the bloke on the left in the photo is Hibbie Kanka. Seated next to him is Mini Hibbee Kanka Liam who was once sent off after scoring five goals in a match. This is what Sir Eski Kanka had to say after news of that one.
"I have seen Mini Hibbie Kanka play footie and have actually played against him in his back garden. He is far more aggressive than his father and I can understand why he received his marching orders !!! On one hand a striker needs to be strong and aggressive, however, on the other hand we have to temper our energy within the laws of the game !!!"
Unfortunately I don't have the names of the two girls next to Liam but I'm sure they will play for Hibernian Ladies in just a few years time.
I just realised that the photo is just slightly out-of-date, almost three years out of date in fact. Was this done to ensure that no one will be able to identify those in the picture? I prefer to think that Hibbee Kanka is just like Sir Eski Kanka and still hasn't figured out how to set the date on his camera.
Thanks for the introduction Oz Kanka, sorry to disappoint you with news of joining the 'Old Bill'. Maybe if you ever visit Auld Reekie I will let you off with a speeding ticket. What I will definately do is treat you to a visit to Easter Road to see the Great Hibbees.
ReplyDeleteAs for the camera date, I blame my wife for that as my technological abilities far exceed Sir Eski Kanka. I will sort the date and send an action shot of Mini Hibbie Kanka in action for his team.
As for the two other two Mini Hibbie Kankas, from left to right is Rachel and Charlotte. Rachel has just been picked for the Edinburgh Gymnastic squad so in a few years could be a useful at corner kicks. A forward flip followed by a twist before heading in the winner against Hearts sounds good.
The missing Mini Hibbie Kanka (not so little any more) is Ciaran who was to involved in playing football to get his photo taken. At least they won!
What woukd be really cool would be a photo of Mini Kanka Liam being given a red card. If that's not possible I'd settle for a goal celebration shot.
ReplyDeleteOk Ok Ok !! Probably Mrs Hibbie Kankie's PC technology also far exceeds Eski Kanka's ??!! The swords are out for Eski Kanka !!
ReplyDeleteLook forward to seeing a photo of Mini Hibbie Kanka receiving his red card from the Referee. I'm sure we will not have too long to wait for that event !!!
Compared to the hooligan footie players from Oxgangs, we luvvlie East Lothian boys from North Berwick, Dunbar and Haddington are little angels !!!
We will see about these North Berwick boys very soon as Ciaran has a semi final against them for AC Oxgangs.
ReplyDeleteLiams Salvesen team were out in North Berwick a couple of weeks ago in the Soccer Sevens league. They won 5-3 and only had six players, what does that say for the little angels?
To be fair to the little angels, when Ciarans team played them at the start of the season they were very well behaved. AC Oxgangs could learn something from them in that respect as there has already been two red card this season.
As for Mini Kanka Liam, I normally referee his school matches so will organise a red card ASAP.
As an ex-Class One footie referee, I suggest that Hibbie Kanka has the following equipment the next time he referees Mini Hibbie Kanka Liam.......
ReplyDeleteBlack Book, pencil, red card and.........
A set of Lothian Police handcuffs !!!!!